Using the Task Command

The main interface to your tasks is the ta command, which supports various subcommands such as add, modify, start, and done. Customizable reports are also available as subcommands, such as next. The command reads a configuration file for its settings, including where to find the task database. And the sync subcommand synchronizes tasks with a sync server.

NOTE: the task interface does not precisely match that of TaskWarrior.


The sections below describe each subcommand of the ta command. The syntax of [filter] is defined in filters, and that of [modification] in modifications. You can also find a summary of all subcommands, as well as filters, built-in reports, and so on, with ta help.

ta version - Show the TaskChampion version

ta version

Show the version of the TaskChampion binary

ta config set - Set a configuration value

ta config set <key> <value>

Update Taskchampion configuration file to set key = value

ta add - Add a new task

ta add [modification]

Add a new, pending task to the list of tasks. The modification must include a description.

ta modify - Modify tasks

ta <filter> modify [modification]

Modify all tasks matching the required filter.

ta prepend - Prepend task description

ta <filter> prepend [modification]

Modify all tasks matching the required filter by inserting the given description before each task's description.

ta append - Append task description

ta <filter> append [modification]

Modify all tasks matching the required filter by adding the given description to the end of each task's description.

ta start - Start tasks

ta <filter> start [modification]

Start all tasks matching the required filter, additionally applying any given modifications.

ta stop - Stop tasks

ta <filter> stop [modification]

Stop all tasks matching the required filter, additionally applying any given modifications.

ta done - Mark tasks as completed

ta <filter> done [modification]

Mark all tasks matching the required filter as completed, additionally applying any given modifications.

ta delete - Mark tasks as deleted

ta <filter> delete [modification]

Mark all tasks matching the required filter as deleted, additionally applying any given modifications. Deleted tasks remain until they are expired in a 'ta gc' operation at least six months after their last modification.

ta annotate - Annotate a task

ta <filter> annotate [modification]

Add an annotation to all tasks matching the required filter.

ta info - Show tasks

ta [filter] info

Show information about all tasks matching the fiter.

ta debug - Show task debug details

ta [filter] debug

Show all key/value properties of the tasks matching the fiter.

ta gc - Perform 'garbage collection'

ta gc

Perform 'garbage collection'. This refreshes the list of pending tasks and their short id's.

ta sync - Synchronize this replica

ta sync

Synchronize this replica locally or against a remote server, as configured. Synchronization is a critical part of maintaining the task database, and should be done regularly, even if only locally. It is typically run in a crontask.

ta import-tw - Import tasks from TaskWarrior export

ta import-tw

Import tasks into this replica. The tasks must be provided in the TaskWarrior JSON format on stdin. If tasks in the import already exist, they are 'merged'. Because TaskChampion lacks the information about the types of UDAs that is stored in the TaskWarrior configuration, UDA values are imported as simple strings, in the format they appear in the JSON export. This may cause undesirable results.

ta import-tdb2 - Import tasks from the TaskWarrior data directory

ta import-tdb2 <directory>

Import tasks into this replica from a TaskWarrior data directory. If tasks in the import already exist, they are 'merged'. This mode of import supports UDAs better than the import subcommand, but requires access to the "raw" TaskWarrior data. This command supports task directories written by TaskWarrior- 2.6.1 or later.

ta undo - Undo the latest change made on this replica

ta undo

Undo the latest change made on this replica. Changes cannot be undone once they have been synchronized.

ta report - Show a report

ta [filter] [report-name] *or* [report-name] [filter]

Show the named report, including only tasks matching the filter

ta next - Show the 'next' report

ta [filter]

Show the report named 'next', including only tasks matching the filter